Microscopic Investigation on Human Body and Mind in Action
08/2022, RHB 218, Goldsmiths, University of London
10/2023, for students MSc Dance Science, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
06/2024, for students MSc Creative Computing, UAL Creative Computing Institute (CCI)
Microscopic Investigation on Human Body and Mind
in Action is a series of workshops exploring human cognition and behaviour with
its underlying neural basis, while providing an explorative way to think about
the human body and mind which may be applied during creative processes (e.g.,
performance making, designing, problem solving, researching, etc.) for students
in higher education. The workshops will combine findings from cognitive neuroscience and performance making - primarily
focusing on the phenomenological experiencing through one's own body in action
while applying the information about underlying neural processes. This opens up an opportunity for students to expand their
understanding on how one's brain and body functions, how humans make sense and
interact with one’s surroundings, and explore such
relationships in an embodied investigation. Students will also learn how to reflect one’s bodily explorations through different documentation medium, and apply into their design or artistic practices.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Learn basic concepts and neural underpinnings of human cognition, and how they relate
to your actions and movement
- Learn basic paradigms involving human mind and body in action
- Explore different ways of investigating with one’s body while moving
- Learn how to self-reflect adopting various documentation methods
- Develop methods on applying such practice to one’s own creative or artistic research and
Workshop Overview
| Human mind and brain, embodied cognition and body in action
first workshop of Microscopic Investigation on Human Body and Mind
in Action will
be an introduction to the backgrounds of this lecture series, covering:
Basic concepts of human brain and its functions
Basic concepts of embodied cognition
Basic concepts of somaesthetics - soma as the living, sentient, purposive body
#1 | Understanding and exploring visual
this workshop participants will performatively explore ways of seeing, paired
with learning basic concepts of human visual pathway – how colour, shapes and
motions are processed in the brain.
#2 | Sense making
workshop will focus on the basic building blocks of human cognition in situ –
how do people navigate their surroundings, as a living organism interacting
with numerous layers of information? How can we acknowledge and question such
steps as we move our bodies? What are the neurobiological findings behind such
sense-making process?
#3 | Somatic Memory
this workshop, participants will focus on the five different innate bodily
memories conceptualised by Shusterman (2012) and learn about the process of memory
formation in the brain.
#4 | Inter-somatic investigation: how do we
relate to other humans?
happens in your brain, when you are watching another human in action?
happens when you interact with someone, somatically?
we use imagination to heighten such interaction?
#5 | Formation, De-formation – plasticity
does the brain develop and re-develop? How does it learn new information, deal
with drastic shifts in your body and your surroundings?
#6 | Introduction to Neuroaesthetics: aesthetic
this workshop, participants will be introduced to the overview of the academic
field of Neuroaesthetics, while thinking about the underlying processes of
aesthetic appreciation.