Planet i.

2015-18 / Concept & Direction, Performance as Ludic Collective
10/2015, Inverted Planet classes for childern, Summerhill school,Suffolk, UK
10/2016, Inverted Planet intensive workshops, CLOUDdanslab, Den Haag
02/2017, Planet i. Openstudio, CLOUDdanslab, Den Haag
09/2017, Planet i. Audiovisual performance, ARTHUB, Bucharest
01/2018, Planet i. performance, 13Festivalen, Gothenburg

Planet Earth has inverted, outside-in. In a fraction of a nanosecond, the whole planet transforms into a new entity. Our soma - the purposive, perceptive body that forms the locus of transdisciplinary project of somaesthetics - shuts down completely. Then it re-boots: with no memory; no implicit awareness of continuing one’s personal identity, and no medical assistance to help recover. 

What happens next?
How is our cognition or our soma and awareness being affected? How does our perception about the world change? How is our soma filtering our new understanding of the world? What happens to the language or the nature of human interaction?

Planet i. (2015-18), an on-going project by Ludic Collective, started from here.The initial idea of this project was something extraordinary and absurd - imagining a space and time out of reach of human technologies and intelligence - happening so quickly and subtly that no one notices the obvious changes in their everyday lives. Through an extensive research and development period, the core idea of Planet i. has become to question how the process of recollecting one’s functioning status back from a traumatic brain injury can be influenced by the environment. With phenomenological approach, in the process of encountering landscapes, structures, humidity, sound and other beings, one would re-establish relationships with the perceived objects, and re-construct one’s implicit senses. Bringing this process into public spaces where everyday-life actions dominate, we played with overlaying Planet i. and Planet Earth as two parallel trajectories. 

The research spectrum for Planet i. is broad yet interlinked. Alongside a group of art-based practitioners, we collaborated with psychologists and student physicians that support our investigations from a both theoretical and dramaturgical perspective.

The purpose of this project was not to bring our traumatised somas back to the standardised normal, earthly functioning bodies, but it was to explore new ways of existing through speculation; in achieving this, we used our ‘restrictions’ (sensorimotor limitations, unawareness of space and time, etc.) as tools of liberating our bodies from our earthly commodities.

A specific portion of research that took place during project Planet i., exploring and developing techniques to attempt to reach “zero state” by actively acknoweledging then unlearning our bodily and cognitive patterns, had morphed into another one of Ludic’s ongoing projects, “Re-boot: Unlearning Schemata Technique”.

Concept & direction
Hennie Lee
Iulia Maracine
Judith v/d Made

Created with & performed by
Andreas van de Kuit, Sindy Tejeda, Eros Chien, Christina Karagianni, Patricia Vane, Pia Rener, Dan Xu, Aron Britalan, Dimitri Van Den Wittenboer, Judith v/d Made, Iulia Maracine, Hennie Lee

Robert Dahlquist
Andreas van de Kuit

Hennie (Haeeun) Lee        ←click ←←