NW10 7HQ The Art of Living

2015 / Scenography
08/2015, a devised performance with media, written and performed by Jungmin Ahn, The Rag Factory, London.
"London is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts,
commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare,
media, professional services, research and development, tourism,
and transport all contributing to its prominence.
It is one of the world's leading financial centres
and has the fifth or sixth largest metropolitan area GDP
in the world depending on measurement."
"런던은 예술 상업 교육 유흥 패션 재정 의료 미디어 전문적인
서비스 연구 발전 여행 교통을 주력으로 세계를 주도하는 글로벌 도시로서
Die Stadt ist gegenwärtig eines der wichtigsten Kultur-
und Handelszentren der Welt und stellt mit der City of London
einen der bedeutendsten Finanzplätze in Europa.
In London befinden sich zahlreiche Universitäten, Hochschulen,
Theater und Museen. Londres, seule ville à avoir organisé
trois fois les Jeux olympiques (1908, 1948, 2012), est dynamique
et très diverse sur le plan culturel. Elle joue un rôle important
dans l'art et dans la mode 伦敦亦是一个全球城市,在文艺、商业、